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Dr. József Steier, the owner of Sunwo Plc. share his ideas, thoughts, opinion in English on his LinkedIn page.
Follow us there too.
LinkedIn page of Dr. József Steier
Thank you for your Emerald Tree® orders in 2024
Thank you very much to our partners for their honourable orders of Emerald Tree® this year!
We respectfully inform you that we will not be able to take any more orders for the year 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you as a customer next year to work together to fight climate change.
Please contact us with your 2025 pre-order requirements.
Hydrogen electrolyser for the future
Hungary is among the first to use the innovative ENAPTER 2.4 AEM Hydrogen electrolyser in Central Europe to strengthen its green economy and aggregate private PV owners electrical power overproduction!
The representation agreement was signed by the ENAPTER’s and respectively SUNWO’s owners on the Hannover Messe 2023.04.18 in the presence of the German family member Mihály Galba (former mayor of Bolhas).
The first unit will serve the flagship of the innovative European Green Villages Nagypáli where the PV penetration has been exceeding 60%! Sunwo Plc ( and its managing director Prof. Dr. Jozsef Steier – as member of the Hungarian Hydrogen and Energy-cell Association – are proud to work with ENAPTER’s up-to-date technology and avoid the conventional (rare metal user) PEM technology. Moreover the modular technology makes it possible to “think big” up-to a MW size unit, which will certainly contribute to the Hungarian grid efficiency,too.
Hungary is to step into the Hydrogen Age with a state- of-the-art ENAPTERs AEM solution! Yes, it is possible, we are doing it!
The Emerald tree story in one minute
The Emerald tree story in a few minutes presentation. A tool to the UN SDG 17 realization! It was also successfully tested in Morocco and labeled on COP 22 in Marrakech (2016) for important innovation (CO2 fertilisation). I am extremely gratefull for UM6P/ INRA colleagues among them to Prof Faouzi Bekkaoui and for Marocos best cluster, Cluster Menara cheef Mrs Kaoutar Filali.

29 December 2022
Biomethanisation 5.0 is the key to a sustainable future, a new generation of biogas technology
The new fifth-generation technology, represented by Sunwo Plc., is based on the industrialisation of a natural process (the decomposition of organic matters through biogas production) and carbon dioxide (CO2) consumption by teachable bacteria under controlled conditions. For several decades, the development of different biogas technologies (Biogas 1.0 – 3.0) have focused on expanding the use of organic matter and improving process efficiency, while biogas itself has been used as a renewable source to produce electricity.
The emergence of new industrial and commercial needs, such as electrical grid balancing with gas grid connection (P2G) and biofuels: bio-CNG, bio-LNG, which could be obtained with carbon-free biogas, i.e. biomethane.
Today, the development of biomethanisation has been accelerated. The fight against climate change, increased security of energy supply and the emergence of a circular economy philosophy, as well as the focus on hydrogen, have opened up new dimensions for biomethanisation and made it a particularly useful player in the energy mix.
Sunwo Plc. Zalaerdő Biometanisation Centre (ZBK) is supporting the increase of the profit production capability through the fifth generation of biometanisation (5.0) technology by further expanding the value chain. This includes:
– Integration of carbon fertilization (COP 22 innovation!),
– the process integration of hydrogen (H2)
– the production of bioactive soil conditioners to replace fertilizers.
– In addition, a significant increase in green molecular capacity coupled with energy rationalisation,
– process integration with up to multiple decarbonisation capacity,
– creating an industry benchmark for education, knowledge sharing and high profitability.
The plant will implement the circular economy principle at two levels:
– it feeds waste from other industries back into the economy by converting it into useful products,
– It also organises its internal technology into waste-free circular processes.
In the above process, Sunwo Plc. cooperates with leading Hungarian universities moreover continuously expands its contacts worldwide. Its team of scientists has been exploring global system integration, too for climate change mitigation through the Sahara Scientists Summit (3S) forums.
Be our partner – sustainability is our common target!
Prof. Dr. József Steier

23 December 2022
Emerald tree video
The Emerald tree story in a few minutes presentation. A tool to the UN SDG 17 realization! It was also successfully tested in Morocco and labeled on COP 22 in Marrakech (2016) for important innovation (CO2 fertilisation)

09 October 2021
Bio-molecule Factory in Hungary
After 2 years of preparation Sunwo Plc has started the construction of the most complex biomolecule factory of Europe in Zalaerdőd (Western Hungary).
The factory supports both the EU and the Hungarian green economy target points, unites and optimises the most up-to-dated technologies.
For the 5 kt capacity – which will be completed in 3 phases – there is an exceptional demand.
If you are interested in this great new possibility, please contact us at

18 May 2022
Membership Certificate of Hungarian Academy of Engineering
The founder of Sunwo Plc, Dr. József Steier got the certificate of the Hungarian Acedemy of Engineering.
You can read hear his thoughts about the ceremony:
“Hungarian Academy of Engineering (MMA) today had its general assambly in the 240 years old historical building of the Budapest University of Engineering (BME). At this occasion MMA president Dr Miklos Bendzsel handed over to me the MMA Membership Certificate. I’ve been so proud to join this prestigous community where Ernő Rubik (Rubic Cube) and 3 Nobel prize laureates have contributed to a better World. Finally I went to the balcony to enjoy an exceptional view of the the Danube river with the Corvinus University spectacular building.”
09 October 2021
Sunwo Plc is at Dubai Expo
The Climate & Biodiversity Business Forum offered us a stage to share the sustainability know-how arising from the Smaragdfa (Emerald tree) large value chain. Such a know-how transfer could allow us to avoid climate change escalation while turning it into a profit.
The solution is in compliance with UN SDG 17 goals.
Some Africain country delegates expressed their interest on spot.

09 March 2021
Carbon climate farm supply
Sunwos’s Hungarian carbon climate farm in Nagyberény today started to supply 7 years old Smaragdfa (Emerald tree) troncs for machining.
From now doors and windows can also be ordered from sustainable production at Németh-fa showroom (Budapest, Váci út 60-62.).

07 February 2021
New innovation by Sunwo Plc.
In the frame of its ITEC 3.1 project Sunwo Plc has started to develop an integrated solar-hydrogen-biogas based energy conversion and storage system. The power-to-gas (P2G) system is to start in March. The 2,2 kW unit based modular system besides offering a solution for households improves efficiency of solar power farms. In Nagypáli (Zala county), where the solar energy penetration exceeding 50 %, – Sunwo – preparing for the Energy Act modification – started to prepare a communal energy storage system in the Renewable Energy Centre of the village.
The integrated solution certainly offers a new breakthrough point for the Hungarian biogas sector, too.
100% Compliance with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 17
Please click on the picture and read the whole document.

Certificate for Sustainability
The Eszterházy Károly University issued a Certificate recognizing that the various utilization possibilities of the SMARAGDFA® hybrid contribute to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.
The Eszterházy Károly University issued a Certificate recognizing that the various utilization possibilities of the SMARAGDFA® hybrid contribute to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.
You can read the full article here: Certificate for Sustainability

25 October 2020
27th International Energy and Innovation Forum
29.10.2020 10:00-14:35
Nowadays, sustainability and the potential of green solutions are becoming an increasingly important issue. Not only because global climate change is knocking at our door, but also because people around the world are facing new kinds of challenges that have never been preceded. Our online conference will therefore focus on technological solutions in the context of carbon-free and renewable energy production that can serve as a flagship initiative to create an innovative, smart and sustainable future.
Date: 29th October 2020. (Thursday) 10:00–14:55
Platform: Zoom
Language: Hungarian and English
Registration: until 29th October (Thursday) 09:00 a.m. HERE:…/tJwvdO6oqzMvHdejl1d4FvCUUb_vZ0RfcajM
13:45–14:05 Jens Bischoff: Anion membrane H2 electrolyser – revolution in small scalehydrogen economy (Enapter startup, Germany)
14:05–14:25 Emerald tree – a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy that is also responsible for your profit creation (Director of International Relations; SUNWO Zrt.)
14:25–14:45 Prof. Dr. Hosam Bayoumi Hamuda – Katalin Hrustinszki: Impacts of wastewater sludge on the biological properties of agricultural soil (Óbuda University, Institute of Environmental Engineering & Natural Sciences)
14:45–14:55 Closing speech: Dr. Steier József
15 July 2020
We are celebrating our 10 years anniversary!
This is a short time in the life of patinated companies, but it means a lot in our rapidly changing world, especially if a company is not only able to adapt to the challenges, but also helps to create the future with innovations and new approaches. We established SUNWO Zrt. In 2010 based on our relations related to energy, and to this day we consider it an important mission to serve this sector with new solutions and services. Naturally, renewable energy technology is playing an increasingly important role in our activities. We are pleased that the Smaragdfa (emerald tree) hybrid development launched in 2011 has brought real results and at the same time added a new profile to the portfolio of our company by establishing carbon climate plantations. We consider it an outstanding result that our carbon plantation in Nagyberény, which was handed over in 2019, also created the possibility of 100% compliance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In this way, we can provide a solution for progressive climate protection that can also be an outstanding economic engine for the performance of both the national economy and the world economy.
With our team, we created the first “Green CSR”, a corporate social responsibility program related to sustainability. Its introduction is not a cost but a result-related one, for example a partner company applying “Green CSR” may be more environmentally conscious in such a way that it can increase its revenues and even its results.
There have also been new challenges in strategy making, as we developed (and received innovation recognition at the COP22 World Climate Forum in 2016) the open-field carbon dioxide fertilization. Thus, in the future, we can broaden our profile with carbon dioxide technologies and supply.
In 2020, we greened solar parks with emerald tree for the first time, where its 27 certified usefulness protects and enriches the parks. This system of connections brought us to provide new solutions suitable for regulating the network and creating energy communities, using the previous research of SUNWO Zrt. (VRB system electricity storage). We do believe that we will face a new, exciting future and we are prepared for the new challenges.
Interview with Dr. József Steier in Diplomatic Magazine.
You can read the whole text in our Facebook page: